Monday, 5 August 2013

Kahani ghar ghar ki

Har ghar ki kahani is nowadays becoming “kahani INDIA ki”. Like typical Indian saas bahu  serial plot where Saas ( center government) Bahu (other parties) pry each other.One mistake by either one  ,the other  makes it a point that no deed goes unpunished. So, a common issue becomes a situation of do or die.

For example, the recent suspension of IAS officer Durga Shakti has led to series of accusations .Saas (center ) blamed SP government in UP(bahu) for making a prompt decision of suspending the officer. But ,Instead of admitting its mistake, bahu comes with a justification that many such incidents have happened in the past too, when Congress was in state as government. So, Congress telling them what to do is morally incorrect.

(I guess UP government watches Ekta kapoor serial religiously. May be they follow the idea that “Kyunki saas bhi jab bahu thi” they did the same. So, they are only following the old traditions :P)

In my opinion if nothing is done soon enough, our family (INDIA) will disintegrate with family members fighting among each other and third party (vamp) taking advantage of the situation.


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