Wednesday, 8 May 2013

DO IT....

Time flies by........
 And our old friends are left on stand by....

Today I can’t help myself remembering those famous dialogues of Amitabh and  Shashi Kapoor starrer Deewar movie ,in which Amitabh has everything except his mother by his side..I know you might say that why all of a sudden  ” itna filmy dialogue”. Well on a  serious note it is  becoming reality. We have time to go out for lunch or watch movies with acquaintances but we don’t have time for that one special person, who has been by our side from the time we were born. When we grow up and get busy she is still there but now she has lost her shine as  she occupies back stage and stars(friends) surround the moon(ourselves).
If she hugs us at the airport or elsewhere we say” GROW UP MOM” or “MOM PLEASE NOT AT PUBLIC PLACE”. But if same affection is shown by our wives/husbands/girlfriend/boyfriend, we find it cool...
If she tries to be protective and if she cares too much we say” COMMON MOM I’M GROWN UP NOW  STOP ,TREATING ME LIKE KID”. But if our friends give us attention like our mother do, we find it So Sweet...
But have you forgot your childhood, when for every small thing you used to run to your mom like asking her to choose clothes for you etc and now if she chooses clothes for you, you shrug her off...
I’m not complaining, as I know we all are very busy ....Even if we are not we still pretend to be...Anyways, this time on MOTHER’S DAY, Sit with your mother, talk to her about her likes, dislikes. Or take her out for little shopping Or if you are distance away from your mom, “CALL HER”..And this time no  MOTHERS DAY FALLS ON 11th MAY..i.e “ SATURDAY” .So no excuses that you have work.

------Dedicated to my mom and all other moms who make selfless sacrifices to make their children better humans without asking anything materialistic in return, as all they want is respect and love.