With recent recession hitting
all the industries, getting placed is like a dream. After spending
approximately one lakh on graduation, a person getting a job of Rs 10,000 p.m
considers himself to be lucky. Especially, when he sees his classmates still
struggling to get a job.
Now, this makes me think that is there any field which
is not hit by RECESSION and then a bell rings.
No, not the door bell but my father’s phone rings and
flashes “PANDIT Jatadhar Calling”. What
I realized might make you laugh. But it is not a bad idea after all. Not
getting it??????
Pandit ??? Yogi ?? Mahant ?? Guruma ?? Career
P.S: And
those of you who can sing well, can get handsome money for performing at BHAJAN
SANDHYA. Trust me, I have seen people getting paid well for 2 hour show and
they are not interested in singing god hymns but mix their songs with Bollywood
or Punjabi tunes .Many might have
noticed it too. Lets get back to the career option we were discussing. I’m
actually gone prove my point by giving examples
Firstly, whenever you buy a
new house or car etc etc, where do you go first or whom do you call? Obviously
Panditji or any guruji or guruma you believe in. Panditji performs his PUJA and
we give them their dakshina. And even that dakshina follows ECONOMICS principle. ”More the price of commodity you bought more dakshina you have to give”.
Secondly , If a man dies or a
child is born ,whom do you call? Again a Pandit or guruji you believe in. Guru
ji does his puja, of which you understand not a single word and in return give
them dakshina. If it’s a boy then you
pay him well and if girl then less.
And they are paid the most , when
our sweet mom takes our horoscope to panditji to ask about our future or to
find ways to eradicate problems from our lives. Even if there is nothing wrong
with us they’ll proclaim that all bad things are happening because of RAHU OR
SHANI OR KETU being in our KUNDLI. So, whatever they say ,we have to do as
nobody wants to mess with either panditji or stars .One visit to them makes us shed thousands of rupees. Above
mentioned reasons are just few among many other occasions from where they get
SOME extra cash. This “Some” extra
cash amounts to nearly Rs 50,000 plus other perks and yes how can I forget
their meager income of Rs 5000.Moreover, all their lodging and food is taken
care by temple authorities .To be a pandit or guru or guruma all you have to do
is enter a gurukul, which charges you nothing.
So, you have to pay nothing
to get this job and get paid handsomely
along with other perks. If you are thinking that even this field will get
affected by recession then don’t worry
because you go to temples more during that time J
Moreover, in country like
India this field is quite blooming. Recently I read a MAHANT/GURUJI of some
sect bought 0001 number for his 60 lakh SUV car for 10 lakhs. He is just not
one ,many other guru or guruma own luxury cars along with huge acres of
property. So, friends being a sadhu or guru or guruma is not bad career option after all in country like
ours where we the COMMON MAN believe in them so much rather than believing in
And I think GURU MA
Khushboo(Er) would’nt sound that bad. So I can be head mata and
anybody interested in being my assistant can contact me :PJ
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