Monday 23 January 2012


What Next????
2011 has been a year of ups and downs with balls changing courts not only in INDIA but also in rest of the world(take EGYPT for an example). People seem to have grown more mature, sensible and aware in INDIA itself. Almost 1/4 of INDIA rose to “FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION” along with ANNA HAZARE, which is a positive sign because after staying in dormancy for 64 years it was good to see INDIA UNITED for a good cause because the last time I checked I saw people coming together only to fight with each other for religion or against reservation.
After achieving the desired lokpal what NEXT?
Inspite of promoting ‘INDIA SHINING ‘ slogan, INDIA is still a HOLLOW SPHERE which is shining at the surface but from inside it is still empty.
Girls which were earlier killed on birth are now killed either due to honor killing,dowry etc. The statistics are much worse in NORTH INDIA with staes like J.K, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan with less than 900 girls to every 1000 boys. In our Indian Constitution “EVE TEASING” is considered or defined as a behaviour and not an offense with maximum punishment given to the culprit is 2 years of jail and fine of 5000 Rs..ARE GIRLS ONLY WORTH Rs 5000?
There are many examples which show that society treats girls as a mere object of pleasure. Are their lives worth nothing? Take for example JESSICA murder case , she was killed because she refused to give a drink, as the bar was closed. The list of women being illtreated by hands of men is endless(Ruchika case,nithari killings etc).
Even the educated families kill their daughter -in- law for dowry or cause them so much mental trauma that they commit suicide. If people love money so much why dont they marry ATM’S! Girls in the age group of 15-25 yrs are not the only targets but even small girls and old women are subjected to atrocities of men in form of rape, eve teasing, sexual harassment etc.
When will we grow? We have taken so much from the west then why cant we learn from them and make women safe. We should rise to the occasion and make women safe in INDIA before its too late..

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